JacobSpringsFarm:Breeding records

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  • July 10, 2017 - 27 Cornish moved to ports shelter (ether we miscounted before or now.)

Layers moved to parlor stall room

  • June 17, 2017 - 26 cornish cross and 102 Barred rocks came from cackle hatchery's "overhatch"
  • July 21, 2016- 52 cornish cross chicks arrived for cackle hatchery - one is cross-beaked with only one good eye
  • July 22, 2016- 1 Cornish died. (Cross beaked is ok)
  • July 27, 2016- ~50 broad breasted bronze turkeys arrived from cackle 3 dead in box 1 dying (died in Elias' hands - he was very sad and held a burial (Scott helped)
  • July 29, 2016 2 more turkeys dies

Bought from John Beagle July 21, 2016

  • 106 white rocks - born 7/15
  • ~28 golden laced Wyandot born 9/15
  • ~56 black jersey giant born 7/15

Sold to Kobus August 21, 2016

  • 62 white rocks and golden laced wyondottes
  • $9ea

bought from Manuel August, 23

  • 35 barred rocks
  • 15 buff orpingtons
  • 30 golden Sussex

Chicken count March 14, 2017

Moved chickens out of eggmobile. 180 hens (+ five more which were born at 7602) 3 roosters (+ 5 more (3 young) at 7602)

185 hens 5 roosters

  • Tuesday, September 5, 2017: selected 5 Barred Rock hens and 1 rooster for breeding - in isolation in calf room.


2020 girls exposed June 25 for April 3 projected delivery

Preg Checking feb 23 2020 Henna 4-5 month pregnant - due June-July - born may 7 Zippy open - Nov Lily 5 months June - born March 30 Sweet pea 3-4 months Aug/Sept Clover open -Nov Lia 6 months - May Hershey 4 month - August Elsa 8-9 months - March Darby open - Nov

Rose ( nice horns ) 7 months - April Ginger 80-90 days - Sept Corabell 8-9 months - March

Feb 18, 2016, Kierstyn and Kelsey artificially inseminatated Veronica using Semen from "Rising Temp" an A2A2 bull (giving a due date of Nov 25 with a 283 day gestation)

Shamrock, a Dexter bull belonging to Golden Hoof farm, was released to Daisy, Veronica, Belle and Henna on Monday, May 23, 2016. (giving a March 1 due date with a 283 day gestation) Henna was in heat. Dolly was brought in the next day

June 28 Shamrock went back to the Stareks (latest due date @ 283 days would be April 7).

Dr. Flinchum preg tested cows on July 24 -

  • Veronica's due date is given as Dec 15, 2016. Veronica gave birth to a heifer calf, Lilly January 3rd, 2017, 19 days overdue by the due date given by Dr F (302 days) and 40 days overdue by the insemination date (!) (323 days!)

Dr. Flinchum preg tested cows on August 26

  • Daisy is 90 - 120 days pregnant Feb 1-28? - gave birth to a male on Feb 19, 2017, at least 11 days early (272 day maximum gestation)
  • Henna is also 80 days giving March 10 but was actually bred on or after May 23 giving a date of March 1 - gave birth to a caramel colored male on Feb 20, 2017, at least 10 days early (273 day max gestation)
  • DF thought "Belle is 80 days pregnant" - March 10 - she gave birth without difficulty to a heifer at 7 am on March 7, 2017
  • Dolly was not preg tested but she gave birth one day after Henna on Feb 21, 2017 to a red-colored heifer. 273 day max gestation) calf died about 8 weeks later after inhaling pond water and getting pneumonia

2017 cows

  • March 3 2017 Veronica in heat
  • March 21, 2017 Dolly seen mounting Veronica

18 March 2017 (MDT) genetic tests

Tests with UC Davis Veterinary Genetics Lab show the following results:

Dolly, American Milking Devon 8 y/o cow is A1/A2 
Walker, American Milking Devon Bull, born Feb 2015, is A2A2 - 
    (he is the only A2A2 AMD Bull we know of)
"D2" Dolly's 2017 calf Daughter of Dexter bull "Shamrock" is A1A2
Veronica is confirmed to be A2A2 
MoonPie Dam: Veronica, AI Sire "Holt Creek Montana?" is A2A2
    (Born on the "Blood Moon" Sept 2015)
"Lilly" Dam: Veronica, AI Sire "Rising Temp" is A2A2
    (actually A2/I where I is a variant of A2 and is thus A2A2 by A2C nomenclature)
  • May 9, 2017 - bulls Walker and Moonpie turned in with Belle, Veronica, Henna and Daisy. Dolly added the next day.
  • May 23, 2017 - Belle is in heat - wasn't standing for it yesterday.
  • May 28?, 2017 - Veronica and henna in heat
  • Friday Sept 1 2017 - preg check
    • Veronica - 80 days pregnant
    • Daisy - 80 days pregnant
    • Henna 80-90 days pregnant
    • Belle - open :(


Ginger born June 13th from Belle and Moonpie


On Wednesday, June 1, 2016 big black momma sow had 6 live and 1 stillborn piglets - 5 black, and 2 brown - 1 black got stepped on and 1 red got sat on day one. Other 4 are going strong 4 days later. down to 2 by 3 weeks out and she killed the 2 in week 4. She was sent to the processor.

January 22, a failed birthing resulted in just one live piglet - nursed it, brought it to church and gave it to "A" the next day - it died of exposure on day 3.

January 23, 2017: Spotted sow "A" gave birth to 4 or 5 piglets - all were stepped on by other pigs except 1. We moved her into the barn - the next day another young sow showed no interest in her piglets (12) and we gave them to her - she accepted them readily. She is an excellent first-time mom with a good balance of gentleness and mothering - her own piglet is a spotted female (disappeared march - presumed dead) - recommend keeping her as a replacement sow.

AS of now we have three Colorado Mutle sows - one with a tint of reddish hair "02" (decent mother) one black with a small patch of grey hair on the rear flank "03" (stubborn - poor mother - cull?) and an all black (01)

January 30, 2017 Black pig "01" gave birth to 9, one died (found with Hazel the dog - did she kill it?) another died the next day - gave her another two piglets, one red and one white from another disinterested mother the next day.

Feb 7: Spotted sow "B" gave birth to several Total of 6 survived to 6 weeks, 1 from disinterested mutle mother "03" March 18 - he babies got double ear notch on right side and castrated. 5 of her own got single notch on right side, 4 females and 1 male (castrated) - she's a great mom.

11:33, 13 April 2017 (MDT) Turned boar in with mothers - earliest due date August 3 or so.

Sunday 6 August 2017: Black female with white saddle who was scheduled to go to Slaughter last Tuesday was retained because she appeared to be pregnant. She gave birth to 9 piglets today - we separated her by building an enclosure within the main pen. a week in and all are still alive - she appears to be an excellent mother and not too aggressive with people.

17 August - castrated all 4 males and ear notched on top of right ear

Thursday August 10 2017: Both spotted sows gave birth.

"1" Gave birth to 10 piglets in the morning in the open pen (one was stepped on by another pig) 9 live babies and mom were moved into a farrowing pen. All are spotted and doing fine the next day.

"2" gave birth to 5 live piglets in the evening after being moved into a farrowing pen. 5 are doing fine the next morning.


  • 20:24, 25 June 2017 (MDT)potentially in heat – excessively affectionate and a few days ago Elias saw a male dog trying to mount her