
From RAWiki
Revision as of 17:03, 6 February 2015 by Ahoussney (Talk | contribs) (researchers and fact checkers)

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RAWiki is seeking help with the development of the project.


RAWiki admins help to direct the changing scope of the wiki. These people should be registered users willing to commit to a certain level of involvement who are good stewards of the trust of the RAWiki community. They will identify which articles need help and which new pages should be created. They will help organize the wiki and make decisions like when to divide a page into multiple pages.


Some writers may be ongoing contributors who can absorb a variety of information and summarize it for the wiki. Or they could be mainly one-time contributors who have a special area of expertise that they can draw on to create pages for further refinement, expansion and editing. These are the core communicators at the heart of the project who create and organize the main content. Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.


Editors influence the style, clarity, and usefulness of the data on RAWiki. They can rewrite, edit or delete passages and help to bring a uniformity of style and quality to all the articles in the project.

researchers and fact checkers

Citations, especially of useful and trusted sources, are essential in helping the end user develop the proper level of confidence in the statements being made. It's important to know the difference between a suspicion, an educated opinion and a reliable fact. Citations and research help establish this for the reader. Web researchers also play the important role of collecting and linking to other data such as video, pdfs, online courses, and forum discussions found on the web. Including links to useful resources is a powerful way to magnify both the efforts of the RAWiki contributors and those of the creators of the original content. This highly important task can be performed by anyone with reasonable "google-fu" and a knowledge of the basic editing and markup conventions of the mediawiki platform (which can be found in the User's Guide)