Difference between revisions of "JacobSpringsFarm:Weekly agenda"

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(Monday, May 16, 2016)
(Monday, May 16, 2016)
Line 16: Line 16:
*Call Von miller
*Call Von miller
*buy 300' of pipe
*buy 3 X 300' of pipe
*ditch lateral cleanup
*ditch lateral cleanup

Revision as of 12:49, 16 May 2016

Monday, May 16, 2016

  • Move cows & hogs to the church
    • set up fences
    • set up water
    • unload feed
  • Finish wall tent
    • trimming
    • posts picked out and set
    • walls built
  • Plant trees
  • Go pick up more crates
  • Egg-mobile-roofing
  • Call Von miller
  • buy 3 X 300' of pipe
  • ditch lateral cleanup
  • lay header pipe

Monday, May 9, 2016

  • Plant Montrose apricots
  • 2 Almond - cold hardy
  • Hazelnuts
  • Chestnuts
  • make plant tags for new trees
  • plant carrots & more greens
  • plant greens for Wallace bros
  • Plant 9 trees at church
  • Pigs and prairie dog experiment
  • Deck - install cedar decking
  • Deck - trim edges
  • Stage wood chips for volunteer day Saturday
  • Stage cardboard for volunteer day Saturday
  • Prep 9 trees and 100+ asparagus plants for planting at BVC Church on saturday

Monday, May 2, 2016

  • plant more stuff
  • mulch and wood chip-Spreading
  • weeding around chives and oregano
  • clear stumps east of the woodshed
  • move cows to pasture
  • get lid thing prepped and in use
  • Summer goals: woofer habitat, egg mobile, silo house, root cellar

Wednesday, April 18, 2015

  • Andre and Elias get home from Zambia!
  • Plant potatoes and onions
  • Deep rip the field
  • Clean Rototiller - take off plastic from shaft
  • Level the field
  • Rototill lawn by farm kitchen and garden areas and by tank house
  • Plant lawn grasses on the lawn
  • Level the lawn
  • Rototill Field
  • Mark field for planting
  • Plant cabbage and greens
  • Lauren - Make a plan for perennials, Run it by Vanee and Kelly
  • Plant perennials
  • Clean up outside the door to the shop
  • Clean up area around entrance to the root cellar
  • Prepare to put siding on the Eggmobile
  • Clean out dead beehives
  • cut a bunch of siding for habitat
  • cut roofing pieces
  • Finish Chicken run
  • Dig up hay from goats and steers
  • clean out pig pens
  • wood chips for garden areas: mulch tulips and daffodils
  • mulch herb area carefully (Ask Andre)
  • prep tree labels

2 weeks from Monday, April 4, 2015

  • Bernardo and/or Ashley - Lauren knows the details: Plant elephant Garlic - along the back of the small edged garden between sidewalk and garage (left of the rhurbarb, - it's ok to dig up the small green garlic but please don't disturb the rhurbab
  • Get more wooden crates from Techniques and disassemble - Danny knows how to get them - Joe can show how to dissassemble
  • Label the Trees - follow instructions at Labeling fruit trees
  • insulate the barn (Joe)
  • Get hydraulic line - Longs Peak Equipment (Ashley Purchasing Trip - Ask Vanee for farm card)
  • Take Tire back to GCR tires brighton - (Ashley Purchasing Trip - Ask Vanee for farm card)
  • plant potatoes (Danny Lead) on the rows that are already peeped but not planted to garlic.
  • prep soil (DAnny - Rip, Plow, Rototill)

Monday, March 28, 2015

  • get forklift running
  • grain in the bin
  • muffler on milking machine
  • Set post hole for the pen - gates
  • rototill mode

Monday March 14, 2016

  • Repair the feeder
  • prep chick room II
  • Insulation
  • field work - plow crust - rototill
  • seed potatoes
    • purple peruvian
    • yukon gold (33-50%)
    • fingerling
    • Binkje
  • purple, with yellow - 33-33-33
  • seed starting (eggplant, tomato and peppers)
  • bathtub replant - Danny
  • meatballs - Lauren
  • get forklift running
  • muffler on milking machine
  • pickup stuff
  • drill the last post hole for the pen
  • rototill mode

Monday March 7, 2016

  • panels for dairy cows
  • straw cleanup
  • MEAT
  • Chicken pen
  • Garage
  • trash pickup

Monday, 22 February 2016

  • 200 chicks ship monday - get them settled in
  • Cleanup plastic and trash
  • move bed frames and furniture into woodshed
  • prepare potting soil
  • plant kale and spinach, and greens in greenhouse
  • build chicken pen
  • organizing tools

Monday, 15 February 2016

  • Potting soil and flats preparation for seeding
    • collect and organize the plastic flats
    • prepare a trashcan half full of potting mix
    • Fill trays, get racks ready to move into barn
  • Preparing the chick room:
    • Clean out old litter
    • Build a plywood skirt around the room
    • (to protect the wooden walls from rotting due to contact with bedding)
    • Bring in 2" of dry clean bedding such as wood shavings, straw or wood chips
  • Plant Sunchokes
  • Cleanup plastic and trash

Monday, 1 February 2016

  • Inside of barn
  • Organize garage
  • Get backhoe

Monday, 18 January 2016

  • Stockshow!
  • New Construction project with Joe. Discuss:
    • tree fort
    • greenhouse
    • taj mahal
    • Cellar Door to house
  1. Eggmobile
  2. Chicken yard
  3. Garage/Tool organization
  4. Tankhouse door
  5. Urbanite under tank house wall
  6. Forklift carburator
  7. Take cardboard to recycle
  8. Mineral feeder
  9. Tree order ad
  • VanWell nursery - great prices on good-sized trees
  • Nourse farms - great prices for asparagus, strawberries, other berries and perennials
  1. Bee order ad

Monday, 2 November 2015

  1. oil change tractor
  2. recycle cardboard
  3. mineral feeder build
  4. bunk cow feeder build
  5. cottage washing machine
  6. prepare yourselves for turkey slaughter
  7. laquer door in milking parlor

Monday, 26 October 2015

  1. cut beef
  2. sharpen knives
  3. fix electrical in the barn.
  4. watch butchering video

Monday, 19 October 2015

  1. Honey sales
  2. Repair swather
  3. Crayfish harvest
  4. leveling the ground by playground again
  5. cutting hay, raking and baling
  6. buy semen for cows
  7. trash burn
  8. chicken yard - design/build
  9. replace window panes: Rankin bay window
  10. sort bundle oak flooring
  11. harvest squash
  12. repoint chimney
  13. retarp hay
  14. put up grain
  15. clean up kitchen
  16. inspect roof leaks

Monday, 12 October 2015

  1. roof reinforcement finish
  2. Honey sales
  3. Repair swather
  4. Crayfish harvest
  5. Siding for tank house 1/3 done
  6. leveling the ground by playground again
  7. cutting hay, raking and baling
  8. buy semen for cows
  9. trash burn
  10. chicken yard - design/build
  11. replace window panes: Rankin bay window, cottage bathroom
  12. unclog cottage bathtub drain
  13. Pressure wash south side of barn
  14. fix garage door south bay pulley
  15. Spread wood chips by farm kitchen door
  16. install thermostat into milk cooling chest freezer

Monday, 5 October 2015

  1. milk freezer
  2. move pigs
  3. roof reinforcement finish
  4. Honey sales
  5. Repair swather
  6. Crayfish harvest
  7. Siding for tank house 1/3 done
  8. leveling the ground by playground again
  9. cutting hay, raking and baling
  10. buy semen for cows
  11. trash burn
  12. chicken yard - design/build

Monday, 28 September 2015

  1. Honey sales
  2. Repair swather
  3. crayfish harvest
  4. Siding for tank house 1/3 done
  5. parts and install and burying of french drain
  6. leveling the ground by playground
  7. cutting hay, raking and baling
  8. buy semen for cows
  9. cleanup outside farm kitchen
  10. trash sweep and burn
  11. chicken yard - design/build
  12. basement cleanup YAY!
  13. unload and put away 14 beams from Mihaly

Monday, September 21, 2015

  1. Honey harvest part 3
  2. honey marketing
  3. Repairing swather - cutting hay
  4. Put up more grain
  5. Siding for tank house
  6. Beet and apple processing
  7. plum processing
  8. crayfish harvest
  9. fix hay tarp
  10. move pigs
  11. Bring Veronica, Dolly and Walker back from Arvada
  12. move cows/calves
  13. Dig big hole and trench for biodigester / french drain

Clean Up and Organization

  1. Appliance work
  2. Garage
  3. Pig pens


  1. Walk pastures for trash

Monday, September 14, 2015

  1. Complete Food Inventory (Ashley+Andre) update spreadsheet
  2. Ashley create drying herbs step-by-step article
  3. Ashley make and package tons of burritos!
  4. Honey harvest part
  5. Repairing swather - cutting hay
  6. Put up more grain
  7. Business plan for Bob's property
  8. Siding -cut and organize


  1. Cleanup under tree in farm kitchen
  2. work on chicken run cleanout


  1. Check for apple trees
  2. Harvest wild plums
  3. harvest bumper crop of tomatoes

Monday, September 7, 2015

  1. Lamb Butcher, CSA week - 13 lambs
  2. Honey harvest part 1
  3. Put up grain
  4. Organize Garage
  5. Organize Farm Kitchen
  6. Stock-up Basement freezer
  7. Put up some grain
  8. Band Practice :)
  9. Infrastructure

Monday, August 31, 2015

  1. Move calves to paneled pen
  2. Move geese to east pasture
    1. prepare gate
  3. Final Irrigation of field
  4. Sausage Party
    1. Defrost Tuesday
    2. Publicity: the city, Facebook, email
  5. Fix Swather, mow
  6. Honey harvest
  7. Fix auger
  8. some Grain into bin
  9. Rotate tanks