Organism, not organization

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Organism, not organization is a term coined by Georges Houssney to describe the intended structure of a Christian church as taught by the apostle Paul in the Bible who described the church as a "body".

This concept can be seen in biodynamic farming where Rudolph Steiner described the farm as an "organism" that can be seen as living.

An organism is organized

The function of an Organization vs an Organism

An organization's ultimate purpose is to grow itself, increasing it's resources and power year after year with no end. Although no organization truly lasts forever, and organizations, particularly non-profit organization may have other goals, the pattern is of unending growth. In nature, unending growth is called a tumor

An organism, in contrast, grows until a point of maturity, at which time it's energy shifts from self-growth, to reproduction, the development and nurturing of children.

An "organism farm" or an "organism church" does not seek infinite growth for itself like a corporate agroindustry farm or mega-church does, but seeks to replicate it's successful model by investing in others.