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'''Weekly Schedule''' (starting May 2019)
*Sunday - Rest
*Monday - weekly agenda Plant Day
*Tuesday - Somatic Exercises, (Emily)
*Wednesday - Songs and Singing
*Thursday - Listening day (Elena ++)
*Friday - Gratitude day
*Saturday - Story day
==Monday, September 14, 2015==
==06:30, 3 June 2019 (MDT)==
#Ashley create [[drying herbs]] step-by-step article
*Ben makes short promo videos
*poetry nights
*cellar - lights and cleaning
*move Cows at Roditis
*outdoor stuff: garden
*jugad irrigation
*pigs to pasture by Friday
*cut meat
*dogwood and nettles
==06:36, 27 May 2019 (MDT)==
*weed echinacea
*sheduling Meeting meal planning
*walkthrough (after chores)
*pig fence setup
*planning for feast
*cellar clean
*deep clean cellar
*cellar finish
*dig out the backhoe
*Jason leaves the 10
==07:01, 9 May 2019 (MDT)==
Listening day : [http://forthewild.world/listen/vandana-shiva-on-the-emancipation-of-seed-water-and-women-118]
Martin Pracktel visited
**General Outdoor
*Tractor -tire fix
*cooler repair
*ice machine repair
*Farm Walk-Through
*Volunteers Friday
==Late October 2017==
Monday: agenda
*Discussion: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/99-invisible/id394775318?mt=2&i=1000405181321
99% invisible- Fordlandia
*Current milking schedule: M, W, F - Vanessa - T, R, Sat - Naomi
For Tuesday discussion:
Last week:
For later discussion:
*Baysian Case for Christ: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BmUyEPL1fMnW7XMJmHmVPME7faBe1BBzveTK42kFnSw/edit
Weekly morning and devotions schedule
M Agenda  -- Andre
T Discussion --Jeremy
W Naomi
T Vaness/alternating
F Affirmations -- Curtis
Sat Worship -- Grant
==Oct 16, 2017==
*Move herd
*New girl coming - Amy
*Beans harvest - finish - Maycoba and Anasazi beans - Tuesday
*Chicken roosts
*Pig pen - Electric fence
==Sept 25, 2017==
*wiki training
*Monday Escoffier - Mike Munson - corn harvest?
*bean harvest
*tuesday sausages
*wednesday morning- review
*identify areas for cleaning and organizing
==Sept 18, 2017==
*Slower week: Cleanup week
*water strawberries, trees, bushes
*<s>Small house install</s>
*Monday Escoffier - Mike Munson - corn harvest?
*lots of small tasks
**contactor for milking machine
**fix barn door
**<s>Tiny house ladder</s>
**<s>Wifi extender</s>
**Mow & Sprinkler farm dinner area
**haul away scrap metal
**move moon pie
**rake the feed areas
**powerwash buckets
**fix chicken perches
**fix toilet paper holder in farm kitchen
*Make venison sausages and snack sticks
*Pearl street - Wednesday 6pm
*clean eggs
==Sept 11, 2017==
*Monday - grain to pickup
*Wean dingus, Transport Moonpie to Us and Walker to Golden Hoof.
*Tuesday, Andre gone - clean barn
*Wednesday, 10am get lambs
*Thurdsay, Friday lamb processing
==Aug 7, 2017==
*bull - get him back in moonpie
*truck - fix
*horizons fan - fix
*fence line along Arapahoe
*bacon slicing and packaging
*trash pickup
*cut tree water sprouts behind the shop
*harvest potatoes
*harvest garlic
*harvest barley
*honey harvest
*cut and package comb
*green beans
* make cheese
==05:19, 19 June 2017 (MDT)==
article discussion: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/ted-radio-hour/id523121474?mt=2&i=376000833
hot and sunny this week
Engaging Islam this week - Andre teaching.
* Monday is Turkey smoking day
* Monday is Escoffier teacher day
* Monday is irrigation
* Slaughter a goat
* Pigs to pasture (get electric fence first)
* tether Veronica belle and daisy
**Cottage Lawn
**Area by trailer
* start cutting hay
* eggmobile?
*lady on valmont with hay
*church BVCC
** prairie dogs
** cut hay
*get irrigation hand line from Keenan Fitzpatrick
==Monday, June 12, 2017==
* Team milking 7 days Andre, Sierra and Anna
hot and sunny this week
*Don't forget the chicks (water is not done unless water is full)
*more weeding
*irrigation - make a tail water ditch
* Monday is Tamale making day
* Wednesday is Escoffier teacher day
* finish planting -
**pop corn
**cabbage and brassicas
**root veg
**beans - Anasazi and Mayocoba and more pinto mic
* Pig to slaughter
* pigs to pasture (get electric fence first)
* Get grain
* tether Veronica belle and daisy
*Do fence along Arapahoe
* start cutting hay
* eggmobile?
*lady in niwot with hay
*lady on valmont with hay
*church BVCC
** prairie dogs
** cut hay
*get irrigation hand line from Keenan Fitzpatrick
==Mond, May22, 2017==
Rainy forecast
Culinary Students
* weed the garlic
* slaughter Chickens
* Clean/defrost/organize freezers
* wood chips to the pig pen.
* move the cows to West pasture
* move walker and dolly to outside pasture
* castrate calves
* Address prairie dogs at church
*(start thinking about repairing the eggmobile)
* plant:
**Runner Beans
**Sunflower, Edible and teddy bear
==Mon, March 13, 2017==
*culinary students
*finish chicken pen fence
*add rungs to perch in chicken house
*weeding orchard & mulch
*add wood chips to cowpen
*go to Evol several times
*move pigs
==Mon, Oct 24  2016==
1 female black
1 male black
1 male tabby
1 female shorthair grey
1 longhair grey
* Repair water
**Get backhoe working
* Pen Poles
* Cowpen roof
* Milking machine roof
* House
**sump drain
**window of door
**fireplace glass
**weatherstrip door
*frost-free waterer
*garlic planting prep for next week
*moving eggmobile
==Friday, Sept 23- oct 1 2016==
*Watch the ham -salt if needed
*deal with wiggy berries
*apples into crates
*water cows and chickens
==Monday, Sept 12, 2016==
* Welcome Jean Francois
*Main job of the week Jerome welcome back party (butchering Jerome)
*Apple harvest
*Garlic, potato
*<s>setup new fence - move cows to friar farms </s>
**solar battery -
**<s> Pig waterer - construct</s>
** <s> parts for chicken door </s>
*get Glamping tent ready
**bikes sort - <s> lay out bikes</s>
**farm kitchen
**lighting inside
*chicken door
==Monday, August 29, 2016==
* checks to Arapahoe for TJ brand inspector 21.65 each
* <s>barrels unloaded and washed and returned 7 barrels tues and 7 wednesday </s>
*<s>Jerome dies Wednesday and a steer from Pat Sawhill - $2,420 for a 1,100 lb (live weight)</s>
*<s>rake and bale</s>
*<s>move turkey poults and clean up pen in garage</s>
*finish harvest garlic and potatoes (borrow digger)
*finish eggmobile
* <s> 300stems at $0.33  and sunflowers $1 - stem - cut flowers- Ashley Tuesday </s>
* <s> 7 barrels Tuesday, 8 barrels Wednesday from Bootstrap </s>
* apple harvest
==Monday, August 22, 2016==
*<s>harvest and assemble 10-20 bunches of 10 stems for luckies</s>
*<s>sunflowers; harvest for shop</s>
*Jerome gets last rites next Wednesday
*<s>epoxy and concrete sealer bathroom n farm kitchen bathroom</s>
*<s>seal floor cracks </s>
*<s>unload truck</s>
*finish harvest garlic and potatoes (borrow digger)
*<s>pickup 80 hens</s>
*work on nesting boxes
*Friday vet (Dr Flinchum) is coming for preg. checking at 9am
*work on tent
==Monday, August 15, 2016==
comment at
*comment talking points:
*vegtable and micro dairy - expand that to include other categories:
*meat csa
*egg production
*small-scale grain and bulk vegetable production for local markets
*fruit production
*<s>friday harvest and deliver 500 zinnia stems to brighter day floral design- 4593 N. Broadway C-117
303-668-3923 - charging a discounted $0.33 / stem for whatever sells for a max of $165 plus any sunflowers available </s>
*<s>stuarts and copeland 10 stems</s>
*<s>Install new [[JacobSpringsFarm:Managewater]] water sensor and document</s>
*Repair Ovens
*make mineral feeder
*<s>Move cattle</s>
*<s>Put up grain</s>
*<s>Slice and wrap bacon</s>
*build nesting boxes in eggmobile
*repair and prepare 1 chicken shelter
*garlic and potato harvest
*<s>buy alfalfa</s>
==Monday, August 7, 2016==
*castrate pigs
**finalize ramp
**water system leaks
**secure water barrels
**2 nesting boxes
*label retail freezer meats
*harvest more honey
*finish potato and garlic harvest
*more weeding
*finish glamping tent
*Repair Ovens
*make mineral feeder
==Monday, August 1, 2016==
*<s>Tuesday - Rotational Grazing</s>
*Change to 5:45 Wednesday - short meeting breakfast at 8
*continue to get barn ready for breakfasting etc...
*Culinary students
**<s>Butcher a chicken or two</s>
**<s>hacking at weeds </s>
**<s>harvest potatoes </s>
**<s>harvest garlic </s>
**<s>store hay in barn </s>
*Eggmobile - launch on Wednesday
**<s>finalize ramp</s>
**water system leaks
**secure water barrels
**2 nesting boxes
*<s>write Evol letter</s>
*<s>smoke bacon</s>
*<s>cure a ham</s>
*nikita and Kari to work on ham
*<s>PIg to slaughter wednesday</s>
*mill more lumber
*<s>move pile of lumber</s>
*<s>finish travel mobile</s>
*finish glamping tent
*move tomato paste barrel
*<s>water set-up at church</s>
*<s>Launch the eggship</s>
*<s>Organize freezers</s>
*buy bulk tea
==Monday, July 25, 2016==
plant talk: Kari purslane
*culinary students
**<s> pickup hay </s>
**harvest garlic
*<s>Unload truck</s>
*Unload trailer
*Harvest green beans
**<s>Catch pig and Bill held's sheep for slaughter (Wednesday)</s>
*Wheeler's tent
*<s>Clean wheelers truck with power washer</s>
*<s>Clean bandsaw with power washer</s>
==Monday, July 18, 2016==
*Rake hay - Monday
*Bale hay - tuesday
*Pickup hay - Tuesday - Wednesday
*Escoffier students coming today
**<s>Weeding - all hoes on deck</s>
**Mulching of fruit trees
**Outhouse organization
*chicks are coming - prep for Wednesday
***<s>acquire cardboard</s>
* '''52 chicks arrived - one is cross-beaked with only one good eye'''
* <s>order milk filters</s>
*Lamb processing - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.
*chickens are coming - Thursday
* John Deere parts
** backhoe
** electric shutoff - Auto choke
** https://www.surpluscenter.com/Hydraulics/Hydraulic-Valves/Selector-Valves/
*<s>tar paper on wall in barn</s>
*<s>bury the hole </s>
*<s>bury the electrical wire </s>
*Finish eggmobile
**<s>Chicken wire</s>
* irrigation
* sawing
*Glue fittings on sink
*Work on faucet in kitchen
==Monday, July 11, 2016==
*<s>deliver manure to Judy Olsen</s>
*<s>post holes and set post</s>
*<s>clean out trailer </s>
*<s>clean out wheeler truck</s>
*<s>clean up nets and timbers</s>
*<s>weather proof timber</s>
*<s>irrigation </s>
*<s> cut boards in half for ceiling of barn</s>
*<s> organize garage </s>
*<s> organize wood piles </s>
*<s> Pour concrete sidewalk by house </s>
*<s> organize south fence </s>
*go get: chicken wire, hog rings, copper naphthalene, Spool of stainless cable
*HD returns
Tuesday discussion:
*Finish eggmobile
**make brackets
**Chicken CL ad - create.
*driveway flowers -
*<s>weeding flowers in the field</s>
*<s>flower bed at corner weeding</s>
*<s>strawberries - weeding</s>
*<s>Weed beans</s>
*<s>Move The water on east pasture.</s>
*woodchips to chickens, pigs
*<s>Tractor, fuel problem </s>
** <s>use WD-40 to start and work bubble<s>
**<s> fuel line <s>
*<s>swather repair</s>
**<s>fix chair</s>
* <s>deliver all the woodworking machines to denver</s>
*cut, rake and bale hay
*pickup and stack hay
* develop system for meat freezers
==Monday, July 4, 2016==
*Finish eggmobile
*get tractor running
*cut, rake and bale hay
*pickup and stack hay
*<s>Pickup pallets</s>
*<s>rat war</s> ongoing
*stitch the tent walls
==Monday, June 27, 2016==
*<s>dead pig disposal </s>
*<s>New momma pig 7 babies </s>
*prep momma pen
*irrigation water
*<s>go to innovative and pickup meat </s>
*freezer shuffle
*<s>Lard: finish and pour - Ryan</s>
*Make stock of pig bones/skulls
*Farm Spam
*<s> make sausage</s>
*<s>read https://www.americanforests.org/magazine/article/menominee-forest-keepers/ for discussion tuesday</s>
*<s>add green goo to yellow truck front left tire</s>
*<s>Tuesday take pigs to greeley</s>
*<s>Stop by Dairy Depot milk supply - inflations  </s>
* order milk filters
*<s> Wed food truck prep </s>
*<s>driveway cleanup</s>
*<s>take scrap metal</s>
*Pickup pallets
*<s>build pen for dogs</s>
*Tent walls and light fixture
*Barn: small door and rear wall siding
*water pipes for washing machines
*consolidate and chop old wood
*Research adding hydraulics to rear of tractor (Surplus center in NE)
*Forklift and tractor - fluid and oil changes
*beets, chard, carrots, turnups
==Monday, June 20, 2016==
===Butchering process Thursday and Friday===
*clean up bandsaw
*collect knives
*sharpen knives
*clean and clear workspace
*Get out paper, labeler, grinder (put working bits in the freezer) slicer
*get out, clean and organize meat racks (speed racks)
*making primals: separate shoulder, loin, belly and leg
*debone primals: leg, shoulder, loin
*loin chops cut & wrapped & labeled
*fabricate cuts
*wrap and label
===Regular stuff===
*<s>Buy a 2 5/16" ball</s>
*buy a adjustable guide wheel
*mow the lawn
*buy bearings for swather
*<s>buy nuts, bolts and lock washers for swather</s>
*repair swather - <s>bolts</s> and bearings
*<s>clean out poultry rooms</s>
*Continue irrigation - <s>clean screens in Ky</s>
*<s>Set big telephone pole </s>
*Scrap metal trailer - take away
*Load up pallets
*Eggmobile - Danny
*<s>Wood chips by outhouse</s>
*<s>spread wood chips in "outhouse" bed</s>
*<s>Tool bar - mark out 3 row beds for Amaranthus and bachelor buttons</s>
*<s>plant s-n rows n of squash is zinnias 4 rows in one bed - next bed n 3 rows 1 bachelors buttons, love lies bleeding,
*<s>use motorcycle to compress furrows</s>
*<s>Install check valve and fix solar water pumping</s>
*<s>pickup trash</s>
*Sourdough - Kelly and Kate
*<s>Rosewater - Kelly and Kate</s>
*Say goodbye to Joe! "Argentina here I come!"
*Farm and smoke is coming on the 29th from 4-8
*homework for tuesday: [http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/06/12/think-organic-food-is-better-for-you-animals-and-the-planet-thin/?mc_cid=bac03889a7&mc_eid=b911ad8c2e Is Organic Better?]
*Plant talk: Ashley Wednesday: Lambs quarters, (wild spinach Quinopodium)
==Monday, June 13, 2016==
*Move goats and pen to First Pres church for missions week
*create a wiki page called "[[JacobSpringsFarm:so you want to borrow my truck|so you want to borrow my truck]]"
===Vehicle maintenance===
*Create a maintenance calendar using google cal and share it on the wiki
*yellow Truck
**Oil change
**other fluid check
**tighten right side mirror
*(yellow Truck long term goals:
**fix stereo speaker connections
**fix cigarette lighter with USB connection
**weld floor board patches
**Weld gooseneck hitch door
*Blue Truck
**Oil change
**bleed clutch
**Replace driver side indicator (the part is somewhere around the farm)
**come up with a solution for tailgate latch
*(blue Truck long term goals:)
**add a reservoir for wiper fluid
**Add a "monkey prison" in the rust hole
**Oil change
**check hydraulic fluid and other fluids
**fix air intake/filter
**pressure wash radiator
*(Tractor long term goals:)
**add a hydraulic splitter and valve for rear connection
**fix everything
**oil change
**transmission fluid
**hydraulic fluid (use motor oil)
*(Forklift long term goals)
**Resurrect the power steering
**add turret for power water gun
==Monday, June 6, 2016==
*get drip line
*get gravel
*<s>Land level the field</s>
*Mark the field
*<s>more water on the field</s>
*<s>strawberries weed</s>
*<s>mark rows on field</s>
*plant melons and more squash
==Monday, May 30, 2016==
*<s>Cut crates and pull nails</s>
*<s>Install sod</s>
*<s>Fix wheelbarrows </s>
*Install drip line at church
*Install float valves and hose at church
*Rake Hay
*Switch out solar panels on the hill
*Plant squash and melons
*Land level the field
*Mark the field
*Weed the potatoes and garlic
*More water on the field
*pickup all the red stone near outhouse
*Electrical hookup for the tent
*Electrical hookup for the Saw
*Cut paneling for Barn
*design bunkbeds
*Call cackle
*go get the rest of the 1/2" drip line pipe
==Monday, May 23, 2016==
*trench for power to tent
*Move cows & hogs to the church
**set up fences
**set up water
**unload feed
*Finish wall tent
*plant greens, cabbage, Pinto beans and flowers
while Andre and Vanee are gone
*plant asparagus in pots using potting soil from east of the tent
*mulch trees and bushes south of the tank house cardboard and wood chips
*spread wood chips over line of fruit trees and put the irrigation line near the top of the hill
*mulch tree by gate to east pasture, two cherry trees in front of cottage, line of hazelnuts north of cottage,
* carefully mulch small quince tree near where Danny and Rene park
*Plant squash in north half of northern most bed currently prepared
==Monday, May 16, 2016==
*Move cows & hogs to the church
**set up fences
**set up water
**unload feed
*Finish wall tent
**posts picked out and set
**walls built
**2 x 130" round posts
**1 x 120" round post
**4 x 2"x4" x 90"
**2 x 2"x4" x 100"
**2 x 2x4 55"
**2 x 2x4 26"
**1 x 4x12 14'
*<s>Plant trees</s>
*<s>Jugaad Irrigation</s>
*Go pick up more crates
*Call Von miller
*buy 3 X 300' of pipe
*ditch lateral cleanup
*lay header pipe
*store pinto beans
*store vinegar
*make plant tags for apricot and 2 almonds - survey for other untagged plants
==Monday, May 9, 2016==
*<s>Plant Montrose apricots</s>
*<s>2 Almond - cold hardy</s>
*<s>make plant tags for new trees</s>
*<s>plant carrots</s> & more greens
*plant greens for Wallace bros
*<s>Plant 9 trees at church</s>
*Pigs and prairie dog experiment
*<s>Deck - install cedar decking</s>
*<s>Deck - trim edges</s>
*<s>Stage wood chips for volunteer day Saturday</s>
*<s>Stage cardboard for volunteer day Saturday</s>
*<s>Prep 9 trees and 100+ asparagus plants for planting at BVC Church on  saturday</s>
==Monday, May 2, 2016==
*plant more stuff
*mulch and wood chip-Spreading
*weeding around chives and oregano
*clear stumps east of the woodshed
*move cows to pasture
*get lid thing prepped and in use
* Summer goals: woofer habitat, egg mobile, silo house, root cellar
==Wednesday, April 18, 2015==
*Andre and Elias get home from Zambia!
*Plant potatoes and onions
*Deep rip the field
*Clean Rototiller - take off plastic from shaft
*Level the field
*Rototill lawn by farm kitchen and garden areas and by tank house
*Plant lawn grasses on the lawn
*Level the lawn
*Rototill Field
*Mark field for planting
*Plant cabbage and greens
*Lauren - Make a plan for perennials, Run it by Vanee and Kelly
*Plant perennials
*Clean up outside the door to the shop
*Clean up area around entrance to the root cellar
*Prepare to put siding on the Eggmobile
*Clean out dead beehives
*cut a bunch of siding for habitat
*cut roofing pieces
*Finish Chicken run
*Dig up hay from goats and steers
*clean out pig pens
*wood chips for garden areas: mulch tulips and daffodils
*mulch herb area carefully (Ask Andre)
*prep tree labels
==2 weeks from Monday, April 4, 2015==
*Bernardo and/or Ashley - Lauren knows the details: Plant elephant Garlic - along the back of the small edged garden between sidewalk and garage (left of the rhurbarb, - it's ok to dig up the small green garlic but please don't disturb the rhurbab
*Get more wooden crates from Techniques and disassemble - Danny knows how to get them - Joe can show how to dissassemble
*Label the Trees - follow instructions at [[Labeling fruit trees]]
*insulate the barn (Joe)
*Get hydraulic line - Longs Peak Equipment (Ashley Purchasing Trip - Ask Vanee for farm card)
*Take Tire back to GCR tires brighton - (Ashley Purchasing Trip - Ask Vanee for farm card) 
*plant potatoes (Danny Lead) on the rows that are already peeped but not planted to garlic.
*prep soil (DAnny - Rip, Plow, Rototill)
==Monday, March 28, 2015==
*get forklift running
*grain in the bin
*muffler on milking machine
*Set post hole for the pen - gates
*rototill mode
==Monday March 14, 2016==
*Repair the feeder
*prep chick room II
*field work - plow crust - rototill
*seed potatoes
**purple peruvian
**yukon gold (33-50%)
*purple, with yellow - 33-33-33
*seed starting (eggplant, tomato and peppers)
*bathtub replant - Danny
*meatballs - Lauren
*get forklift running
*muffler on milking machine
*pickup stuff
*drill the last post hole for the pen
*rototill mode
==Monday March 7, 2016==
*panels for dairy cows
*straw cleanup
*Chicken pen
*trash pickup
==Monday, 22 February 2016==
*200 chicks ship monday - get them settled in
*Cleanup plastic and trash
*move bed frames and furniture into woodshed
*prepare potting soil
*<s>plant kale and spinach, and greens in greenhouse </s>
*build chicken pen
*organizing tools
==Monday, 15 February 2016==
*Potting soil and flats preparation for seeding
**collect and organize the plastic flats
**prepare a trashcan half full of potting mix
**Fill trays, get racks ready to move into barn
*Preparing the chick room:
**Clean out old litter
**Build a plywood skirt around the room
**(to protect the wooden walls from rotting due to contact with bedding)
**Bring in 2" of dry clean bedding such as wood shavings, straw or wood chips
*Plant Sunchokes
*Cleanup plastic and trash
==Monday, 1 February 2016==
*Inside of barn
*Organize garage
*Get backhoe
==Monday, 18 January 2016==
*New Construction project with Joe. Discuss:
**tree fort
**taj mahal
**Cellar Door to house
#Chicken yard
#Garage/Tool organization
#Tankhouse door
#Urbanite under tank house wall
#Forklift carburator
#Take cardboard to recycle
#Mineral feeder
#Tree order ad
*[http://www.vanwell.net VanWell nursery] - great prices on good-sized trees
*[http://noursefarms.com Nourse farms] - great prices for asparagus, strawberries, other berries and perennials
#Bee order ad
==Monday, 2 November 2015==
#oil change tractor
#recycle cardboard
#mineral feeder build
#bunk cow feeder build
#cottage washing machine
#prepare yourselves for turkey slaughter
#laquer door in milking parlor
==Monday, 26 October 2015==
#cut beef
#sharpen knives
#fix electrical in the barn.
#watch butchering video
==Monday, 19 October 2015==
#Honey sales
#Repair swather
#Crayfish harvest
#leveling the ground by playground again
#cutting hay, raking and baling
#buy semen for cows
#trash burn
#chicken yard - design/build
#replace window panes: Rankin bay window
#<s> sort bundle oak flooring</s>
#harvest squash
#<s>repoint chimney</s>
#<s>retarp hay</s>
#<s>put up grain</s>
#clean up kitchen
#inspect roof leaks
==Monday, 12 October 2015==
#<s>roof reinforcement finish</s>
#Honey sales
#Repair swather
#Crayfish harvest
#<s>Siding for tank house 1/3 done</s>
#leveling the ground by playground again
#cutting hay, raking and baling
#buy semen for cows
#trash burn
#chicken yard - design/build
#replace window panes: Rankin bay window, <s>cottage bathroom</s>
#<s>unclog cottage bathtub drain</s>
#<s>Pressure wash south side of barn</s>
#<s>fix garage door south bay pulley</s>
#<s>Spread wood chips by farm kitchen door</s>
#<s>install thermostat into milk cooling chest freezer</s>
==Monday, 5 October 2015 ==
#<s>milk freezer</s>
#<s>move pigs</s>
#<s>roof reinforcement finish</s>
#Honey sales
#Repair swather
#Crayfish harvest
#Siding for tank house 1/3 done
#leveling the ground by playground again
#cutting hay, raking and baling
#buy semen for cows
#trash burn
#chicken yard - design/build
==Monday, 28 September 2015==
#Honey sales
#Repair swather
#crayfish harvest
#Siding for tank house 1/3 done
#<s> parts and install </s> and <s>burying of french drain</s>
#leveling the ground by playground
#cutting hay, raking and baling
#buy semen for cows
#<s>cleanup outside farm kitchen</s>
#trash sweep and burn
#chicken yard - design/build
#<s>basement cleanup YAY! </s>
#<S>unload and put away 14 beams from Mihaly</S>
==Monday, September 21, 2015==
#<s>Honey harvest part 3 </s>
#<s>honey marketing</s>
#Repairing swather - cutting hay
#Repairing swather - cutting hay
#Put up grain
#<s>Put up more grain</s>
#Business plan
#Siding for tank house
#<s>Beet and apple processing</s>
#<s>plum processing</s>
#crayfish harvest
#<s>fix hay tarp</s>
#<s>move pigs</s>
#<s>Bring Veronica, Dolly and Walker back from Arvada</s>
#<s>move cows/calves</s>
#<s>Dig big hole and trench for biodigester / french drain</s>
===Clean Up and Organization
===Clean Up and Organization===
#Appliance work
#Appliance work
Line 12: Line 1,100:
#Walk Pastures
#Walk pastures for trash
==Monday, September 14, 2015==
#Complete <s>Food Inventory</s> (Ashley+Andre) update [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1y0fGTZyXgBbZgD4NWmSD9hEFHBUQfRutCOM-OlQGVjc/edit#gid=0 spreadsheet]
#<s>Ashley create [[drying herbs]] step-by-step article</s>
#<s>Ashley make and package tons of burritos!</s>
#<s>Honey harvest part </s>
#Repairing swather - cutting hay
#Put up more grain
#<s>Business plan for Bob's property</s>
#<s>Siding -cut and organize</s>
#Cleanup under tree in farm kitchen
#Cleanup under tree in farm kitchen
#Finish chicken run cleanout
#<s>work on chicken run cleanout</s>
#Check for apple trees
#Check for apple trees
#Harvest wild plums
# <s>Harvest wild plums</s>
#harvest bumper crop of tomatoes
==Monday, September 7, 2015==
==Monday, September 7, 2015==
#Lamb Butcher, CSA week - 13 lambs
#<s>Lamb Butcher, CSA week - 13 lambs</s>
#Honey harvest
#<s>Honey harvest part 1</s>
#Siding for tank house
#<s>Put up grain </s>
#Organize Garage
#Organize Garage
#Organize Farm Kitchen
#Organize Farm Kitchen
#Complete <s>Food Inventory</s> (Ashley+Andre)
#<s>Stock-up Basement freezer</s>
#<s>Stock-up Basement freezer</s>
#Put up grain
#<s>Put up some grain</s>
#Band Practice :)
#Band Practice :)
Line 47: Line 1,146:
#Honey harvest
#Honey harvest
#<s>Fix auger</s>
#<s>Fix auger</s>
#Grain into bin
#<s>some Grain into bin</s>
#<s>Rotate tanks</s>
#<s>Rotate tanks</s>

Latest revision as of 06:30, 3 June 2019

Weekly Schedule (starting May 2019)

  • Sunday - Rest
  • Monday - weekly agenda Plant Day
  • Tuesday - Somatic Exercises, (Emily)
  • Wednesday - Songs and Singing
  • Thursday - Listening day (Elena ++)
  • Friday - Gratitude day
  • Saturday - Story day


06:30, 3 June 2019 (MDT)

  • Ben makes short promo videos
  • poetry nights
  • cellar - lights and cleaning
  • move Cows at Roditis
  • outdoor stuff: garden
  • jugad irrigation
  • pigs to pasture by Friday
  • cut meat
  • dogwood and nettles

06:36, 27 May 2019 (MDT)

  • Monday
  • weed echinacea
  • sheduling Meeting meal planning


  • walkthrough (after chores)
  • pig fence setup


  • planning for feast
  • cellar clean


  • deep clean cellar


  • cellar finish


  • dig out the backhoe
  • Jason leaves the 10

07:01, 9 May 2019 (MDT)

Listening day : [1] Martin Pracktel visited

  • Clean-Up
    • Trash
    • Shop
    • General Outdoor
  • Tractor -tire fix
  • cooler repair
  • ice machine repair
  • Farm Walk-Through
  • Volunteers Friday

Late October 2017

Monday: agenda

99% invisible- Fordlandia

  • Current milking schedule: M, W, F - Vanessa - T, R, Sat - Naomi

For Tuesday discussion: http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2017/august-web-only/holy-calling-of-wealth-creation-isnt-so-simple.html http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2017/october-web-only/evangelical-case-for-wealth-creation-.html

Last week:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S74C-XF9kYY and https://youarenotsosmart.com/2016/10/09/yanss-086-change-my-view/

For later discussion:

Weekly morning and devotions schedule M Agenda -- Andre T Discussion --Jeremy W Naomi T Vaness/alternating F Affirmations -- Curtis Sat Worship -- Grant

Oct 16, 2017

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S74C-XF9kYY and https://youarenotsosmart.com/2016/10/09/yanss-086-change-my-view/

  • Move herd
  • New girl coming - Amy
  • Beans harvest - finish - Maycoba and Anasazi beans - Tuesday
  • Chicken roosts
  • Pig pen - Electric fence

Sept 25, 2017

Sept 18, 2017


  • Slower week: Cleanup week
  • water strawberries, trees, bushes
  • Small house install
  • Monday Escoffier - Mike Munson - corn harvest?
  • lots of small tasks
    • contactor for milking machine
    • dishwasher
    • fix barn door
    • Tiny house ladder
    • Wifi extender
    • Mow & Sprinkler farm dinner area
    • haul away scrap metal
    • move moon pie
    • rake the feed areas
    • powerwash buckets
    • fix chicken perches
    • fix toilet paper holder in farm kitchen
  • Make venison sausages and snack sticks
  • Pearl street - Wednesday 6pm
  • Garlic
  • clean eggs

Sept 11, 2017


  • Monday - grain to pickup
  • Wean dingus, Transport Moonpie to Us and Walker to Golden Hoof.
  • Tuesday, Andre gone - clean barn
  • Wednesday, 10am get lambs
  • Thurdsay, Friday lamb processing

Aug 7, 2017

  • bull - get him back in moonpie
  • truck - fix
  • horizons fan - fix
  • fence line along Arapahoe
  • bacon slicing and packaging
  • trash pickup
  • cut tree water sprouts behind the shop
  • harvest potatoes
  • harvest garlic
  • harvest barley
  • honey harvest
  • cut and package comb
  • green beans
  • make cheese

05:19, 19 June 2017 (MDT)

article discussion: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/ted-radio-hour/id523121474?mt=2&i=376000833 Wednesday: hot and sunny this week

Engaging Islam this week - Andre teaching.

  • Monday is Turkey smoking day
  • Monday is Escoffier teacher day
  • Monday is irrigation
  • Slaughter a goat
  • Pigs to pasture (get electric fence first)
  • tether Veronica belle and daisy
    • Playground
    • Cottage Lawn
    • Area by trailer
  • start cutting hay
  • eggmobile?
  • lady on valmont with hay
  • church BVCC
    • prairie dogs
    • cut hay
  • get irrigation hand line from Keenan Fitzpatrick

Monday, June 12, 2017

  • Team milking 7 days Andre, Sierra and Anna

hot and sunny this week

  • Weeding
  • Don't forget the chicks (water is not done unless water is full)
  • more weeding
  • irrigation - make a tail water ditch
  • Monday is Tamale making day
  • Wednesday is Escoffier teacher day
  • finish planting -
    • pop corn
    • cabbage and brassicas
    • root veg
    • beans - Anasazi and Mayocoba and more pinto mic
  • Pig to slaughter
  • pigs to pasture (get electric fence first)
  • Get grain
  • tether Veronica belle and daisy
  • Do fence along Arapahoe
  • start cutting hay
  • eggmobile?
  • lady in niwot with hay
  • lady on valmont with hay
  • church BVCC
    • prairie dogs
    • cut hay
  • get irrigation hand line from Keenan Fitzpatrick

Mond, May22, 2017

Rainy forecast Culinary Students

  • weed the garlic
  • slaughter Chickens
  • Clean/defrost/organize freezers
  • wood chips to the pig pen.
  • move the cows to West pasture
  • move walker and dolly to outside pasture
  • castrate calves
  • Address prairie dogs at church
  • (start thinking about repairing the eggmobile)
  • plant:
    • Garbanzos
    • Lentils
    • Favas
    • Zinnias
    • Beets
    • Carrots
    • Runner Beans
    • Sunflower, Edible and teddy bear

Mon, March 13, 2017

  • culinary students
  • pallets
  • inspection
  • finish chicken pen fence
  • add rungs to perch in chicken house
  • weeding orchard & mulch
  • add wood chips to cowpen
  • go to Evol several times
  • move pigs

Mon, Oct 24 2016

Kittens: 1 female black 1 male black 1 male tabby 1 female shorthair grey 1 longhair grey

  • Repair water
    • Get backhoe working
  • Pen Poles
  • Cowpen roof
  • Milking machine roof
  • House
    • sump drain
    • window of door
    • fireplace glass
    • weatherstrip door
  • frost-free waterer
  • garlic planting prep for next week
  • moving eggmobile

Friday, Sept 23- oct 1 2016

  • Watch the ham -salt if needed
  • deal with wiggy berries
  • apples into crates
  • water cows and chickens

Monday, Sept 12, 2016

  • Welcome Jean Francois
  • Main job of the week Jerome welcome back party (butchering Jerome)
  • Apple harvest
  • Garlic, potato
  • setup new fence - move cows to friar farms
  • Jax
    • solar battery -
    • Pig waterer - construct
    • parts for chicken door
  • get Glamping tent ready
    • bikes sort - lay out bikes
    • farm kitchen
    • lighting inside
  • chicken door

Monday, August 29, 2016

  • checks to Arapahoe for TJ brand inspector 21.65 each
  • barrels unloaded and washed and returned 7 barrels tues and 7 wednesday

  • Jerome dies Wednesday and a steer from Pat Sawhill - $2,420 for a 1,100 lb (live weight)
  • rake and bale
  • move turkey poults and clean up pen in garage
  • finish harvest garlic and potatoes (borrow digger)
  • finish eggmobile
  • 300stems at $0.33 and sunflowers $1 - stem - cut flowers- Ashley Tuesday
  • 7 barrels Tuesday, 8 barrels Wednesday from Bootstrap
  • apple harvest

Monday, August 22, 2016

  • harvest and assemble 10-20 bunches of 10 stems for luckies
  • sunflowers; harvest for shop
  • Jerome gets last rites next Wednesday
  • epoxy and concrete sealer bathroom n farm kitchen bathroom
  • seal floor cracks
  • unload truck
  • finish harvest garlic and potatoes (borrow digger)
  • pickup 80 hens
  • work on nesting boxes
  • Friday vet (Dr Flinchum) is coming for preg. checking at 9am
  • work on tent

Monday, August 15, 2016

comment at https://bouldercolorado.gov/osmp/osmp-agriculture

  • comment talking points:
  • vegtable and micro dairy - expand that to include other categories:
  • meat csa
  • egg production
  • small-scale grain and bulk vegetable production for local markets
  • fruit production

  • friday harvest and deliver 500 zinnia stems to brighter day floral design- 4593 N. Broadway C-117

303-668-3923 - charging a discounted $0.33 / stem for whatever sells for a max of $165 plus any sunflowers available

  • stuarts and copeland 10 stems
  • Repair Ovens
  • make mineral feeder
  • Move cattle
  • Put up grain
  • Slice and wrap bacon
  • build nesting boxes in eggmobile
  • repair and prepare 1 chicken shelter
  • garlic and potato harvest
  • buy alfalfa

Monday, August 7, 2016

  • castrate pigs
  • Eggmobile
    • finalize ramp
    • water system leaks
    • electronics
    • secure water barrels
    • 2 nesting boxes
  • label retail freezer meats
  • harvest more honey
  • finish potato and garlic harvest
  • more weeding
  • finish glamping tent
  • Repair Ovens
  • make mineral feeder

Monday, August 1, 2016

  • Tuesday - Rotational Grazing
  • Change to 5:45 Wednesday - short meeting breakfast at 8
  • continue to get barn ready for breakfasting etc...
  • Culinary students
    • Butcher a chicken or two
    • hacking at weeds
    • harvest potatoes
    • harvest garlic
    • store hay in barn
  • Eggmobile - launch on Wednesday
    • finalize ramp
    • water system leaks
    • electronics
    • secure water barrels
    • 2 nesting boxes

  • write Evol letter
  • smoke bacon
  • cure a ham
  • nikita and Kari to work on ham
  • PIg to slaughter wednesday
  • mill more lumber
  • move pile of lumber
  • finish travel mobile
  • finish glamping tent
  • move tomato paste barrel
  • water set-up at church
  • Launch the eggship
  • Organize freezers
  • buy bulk tea

Monday, July 25, 2016

plant talk: Kari purslane

  • culinary students
    • pickup hay
    • harvest garlic
    • weeding
  • Unload truck
  • Unload trailer
  • Harvest green beans
    • Catch pig and Bill held's sheep for slaughter (Wednesday)
  • Eggmobile
  • Wheeler's tent
  • Clean wheelers truck with power washer
  • Clean bandsaw with power washer

Monday, July 18, 2016


  • Rake hay - Monday
  • Bale hay - tuesday
  • Pickup hay - Tuesday - Wednesday

  • Escoffier students coming today
    • Weeding - all hoes on deck
    • Mulching of fruit trees
    • Outhouse organization

  • chicks are coming - prep for Wednesday
      • acquire cardboard
  • 52 chicks arrived - one is cross-beaked with only one good eye
  • order milk filters

  • Lamb processing - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.
  • chickens are coming - Thursday

  • tar paper on wall in barn
  • bury the hole
  • bury the electrical wire

  • Finish eggmobile
    • Chicken wire

  • irrigation
  • sawing

  • Glue fittings on sink
  • Work on faucet in kitchen

Monday, July 11, 2016

  • deliver manure to Judy Olsen
  • post holes and set post
  • clean out trailer
  • clean out wheeler truck
  • clean up nets and timbers
  • weather proof timber
  • irrigation
  • cut boards in half for ceiling of barn
  • organize garage
  • organize wood piles
  • Pour concrete sidewalk by house
  • organize south fence
  • go get: chicken wire, hog rings, copper naphthalene, Spool of stainless cable
  • HD returns

Tuesday discussion: http://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2015/03/farmland-without-farmers/388282/

  • Finish eggmobile
    • make brackets
    • Chicken CL ad - create.
  • driveway flowers -
  • weeding flowers in the field
  • flower bed at corner weeding
  • strawberries - weeding
  • Weed beans

  • Move The water on east pasture.

  • woodchips to chickens, pigs

  • Tractor, fuel problem
    • use WD-40 to start and work bubble<s>
    • <s> fuel line <s>

  • <s>swather repair

    • fix chair
  • deliver all the woodworking machines to denver

  • cut, rake and bale hay
  • pickup and stack hay

  • develop system for meat freezers

Monday, July 4, 2016

  • Finish eggmobile
  • get tractor running
  • cut, rake and bale hay
  • pickup and stack hay

  • Pickup pallets
  • rat war ongoing

  • stitch the tent walls
  • weeding



Monday, June 27, 2016

  • dead pig disposal
  • New momma pig 7 babies
  • prep momma pen
  • irrigation water
  • go to innovative and pickup meat
  • freezer shuffle
  • Lard: finish and pour - Ryan
  • Make stock of pig bones/skulls
  • Farm Spam
  • make sausage

  • add green goo to yellow truck front left tire

  • Tuesday take pigs to greeley
  • Stop by Dairy Depot milk supply - inflations
  • order milk filters
  • Wed food truck prep

  • driveway cleanup
  • take scrap metal

  • Pickup pallets
  • build pen for dogs
  • Tent walls and light fixture

  • Barn: small door and rear wall siding
  • water pipes for washing machines
  • consolidate and chop old wood
  • Research adding hydraulics to rear of tractor (Surplus center in NE)
  • Forklift and tractor - fluid and oil changes

  • beets, chard, carrots, turnups

Monday, June 20, 2016

Butchering process Thursday and Friday

  • clean up bandsaw
  • collect knives
  • sharpen knives
  • clean and clear workspace
  • Get out paper, labeler, grinder (put working bits in the freezer) slicer
  • get out, clean and organize meat racks (speed racks)


  • making primals: separate shoulder, loin, belly and leg
  • debone primals: leg, shoulder, loin
  • loin chops cut & wrapped & labeled
  • fabricate cuts
  • wrap and label

Regular stuff

  • Buy a 2 5/16" ball
  • buy a adjustable guide wheel
  • mow the lawn
  • buy bearings for swather
  • buy nuts, bolts and lock washers for swather
  • repair swather - bolts and bearings
  • clean out poultry rooms
  • Continue irrigation - clean screens in Ky
  • Set big telephone pole
  • Scrap metal trailer - take away
  • Load up pallets
  • Eggmobile - Danny
  • Wood chips by outhouse
  • spread wood chips in "outhouse" bed
  • Tool bar - mark out 3 row beds for Amaranthus and bachelor buttons
  • plant s-n rows n of squash is zinnias 4 rows in one bed - next bed n 3 rows 1 bachelors buttons, love lies bleeding,
  • <s>use motorcycle to compress furrows
  • Install check valve and fix solar water pumping
  • pickup trash
  • Sourdough - Kelly and Kate
  • Rosewater - Kelly and Kate
  • Say goodbye to Joe! "Argentina here I come!"
  • Farm and smoke is coming on the 29th from 4-8
  • Plant talk: Ashley Wednesday: Lambs quarters, (wild spinach Quinopodium)

Monday, June 13, 2016

Vehicle maintenance

  • Create a maintenance calendar using google cal and share it on the wiki
  • yellow Truck
    • Oil change
    • other fluid check
    • tighten right side mirror
  • (yellow Truck long term goals:
    • fix stereo speaker connections
    • fix cigarette lighter with USB connection
    • weld floor board patches
    • Weld gooseneck hitch door
  • Blue Truck
    • Oil change
    • bleed clutch
    • Replace driver side indicator (the part is somewhere around the farm)
    • come up with a solution for tailgate latch
  • (blue Truck long term goals:)
    • add a reservoir for wiper fluid
    • Add a "monkey prison" in the rust hole
  • Tractor
    • Oil change
    • check hydraulic fluid and other fluids
    • fix air intake/filter
    • pressure wash radiator
  • (Tractor long term goals:)
    • add a hydraulic splitter and valve for rear connection
  • Forklift
    • fix everything
    • oil change
    • transmission fluid
    • hydraulic fluid (use motor oil)
  • (Forklift long term goals)
    • Resurrect the power steering
    • add turret for power water gun

Monday, June 6, 2016

  • get drip line
  • get gravel
  • Land level the field
  • Mark the field
  • more water on the field
  • strawberries weed
  • mark rows on field
  • plant melons and more squash

Monday, May 30, 2016

  • Cut crates and pull nails
  • Install sod
  • Fix wheelbarrows
  • Install drip line at church
  • Install float valves and hose at church
  • Rake Hay
  • Switch out solar panels on the hill
  • Plant squash and melons
  • Land level the field
  • Mark the field
  • Weed the potatoes and garlic
  • More water on the field
  • pickup all the red stone near outhouse
  • Electrical hookup for the tent
  • Electrical hookup for the Saw
  • Cut paneling for Barn
  • design bunkbeds
  • Call cackle
  • go get the rest of the 1/2" drip line pipe

Monday, May 23, 2016

  • weeding
  • trench for power to tent
  • Move cows & hogs to the church
    • set up fences
    • set up water
    • unload feed
  • Finish wall tent
  • plant greens, cabbage, Pinto beans and flowers

while Andre and Vanee are gone

  • plant asparagus in pots using potting soil from east of the tent
  • mulch trees and bushes south of the tank house cardboard and wood chips
  • spread wood chips over line of fruit trees and put the irrigation line near the top of the hill
  • mulch tree by gate to east pasture, two cherry trees in front of cottage, line of hazelnuts north of cottage,
  • carefully mulch small quince tree near where Danny and Rene park
  • Plant squash in north half of northern most bed currently prepared

Monday, May 16, 2016

  • Move cows & hogs to the church
    • set up fences
    • set up water
    • unload feed
  • Finish wall tent
    • trimming
    • posts picked out and set
    • walls built
    • 2 x 130" round posts
    • 1 x 120" round post
    • 4 x 2"x4" x 90"
    • 2 x 2"x4" x 100"
    • 2 x 2x4 55"
    • 2 x 2x4 26"
    • 1 x 4x12 14'
  • Plant trees
  • Jugaad Irrigation
  • Go pick up more crates
  • Egg-mobile-roofing
  • Call Von miller
  • buy 3 X 300' of pipe
  • ditch lateral cleanup
  • lay header pipe
  • store pinto beans
  • store vinegar
  • make plant tags for apricot and 2 almonds - survey for other untagged plants

Monday, May 9, 2016

  • Plant Montrose apricots
  • 2 Almond - cold hardy
  • Hazelnuts
  • Chestnuts
  • make plant tags for new trees
  • plant carrots & more greens
  • plant greens for Wallace bros
  • Plant 9 trees at church
  • Pigs and prairie dog experiment
  • Deck - install cedar decking
  • Deck - trim edges
  • Stage wood chips for volunteer day Saturday
  • Stage cardboard for volunteer day Saturday
  • Prep 9 trees and 100+ asparagus plants for planting at BVC Church on saturday

Monday, May 2, 2016

  • plant more stuff
  • mulch and wood chip-Spreading
  • weeding around chives and oregano
  • clear stumps east of the woodshed
  • move cows to pasture
  • get lid thing prepped and in use
  • Summer goals: woofer habitat, egg mobile, silo house, root cellar

Wednesday, April 18, 2015

  • Andre and Elias get home from Zambia!
  • Plant potatoes and onions
  • Deep rip the field
  • Clean Rototiller - take off plastic from shaft
  • Level the field
  • Rototill lawn by farm kitchen and garden areas and by tank house
  • Plant lawn grasses on the lawn
  • Level the lawn
  • Rototill Field
  • Mark field for planting
  • Plant cabbage and greens
  • Lauren - Make a plan for perennials, Run it by Vanee and Kelly
  • Plant perennials
  • Clean up outside the door to the shop
  • Clean up area around entrance to the root cellar
  • Prepare to put siding on the Eggmobile
  • Clean out dead beehives
  • cut a bunch of siding for habitat
  • cut roofing pieces
  • Finish Chicken run
  • Dig up hay from goats and steers
  • clean out pig pens
  • wood chips for garden areas: mulch tulips and daffodils
  • mulch herb area carefully (Ask Andre)
  • prep tree labels

2 weeks from Monday, April 4, 2015

  • Bernardo and/or Ashley - Lauren knows the details: Plant elephant Garlic - along the back of the small edged garden between sidewalk and garage (left of the rhurbarb, - it's ok to dig up the small green garlic but please don't disturb the rhurbab
  • Get more wooden crates from Techniques and disassemble - Danny knows how to get them - Joe can show how to dissassemble
  • Label the Trees - follow instructions at Labeling fruit trees
  • insulate the barn (Joe)
  • Get hydraulic line - Longs Peak Equipment (Ashley Purchasing Trip - Ask Vanee for farm card)
  • Take Tire back to GCR tires brighton - (Ashley Purchasing Trip - Ask Vanee for farm card)
  • plant potatoes (Danny Lead) on the rows that are already peeped but not planted to garlic.
  • prep soil (DAnny - Rip, Plow, Rototill)

Monday, March 28, 2015

  • get forklift running
  • grain in the bin
  • muffler on milking machine
  • Set post hole for the pen - gates
  • rototill mode

Monday March 14, 2016

  • Repair the feeder
  • prep chick room II
  • Insulation
  • field work - plow crust - rototill
  • seed potatoes
    • purple peruvian
    • yukon gold (33-50%)
    • fingerling
    • Binkje
  • purple, with yellow - 33-33-33
  • seed starting (eggplant, tomato and peppers)
  • bathtub replant - Danny
  • meatballs - Lauren
  • get forklift running
  • muffler on milking machine
  • pickup stuff
  • drill the last post hole for the pen
  • rototill mode

Monday March 7, 2016

  • panels for dairy cows
  • straw cleanup
  • MEAT
  • Chicken pen
  • Garage
  • trash pickup

Monday, 22 February 2016

  • 200 chicks ship monday - get them settled in
  • Cleanup plastic and trash
  • move bed frames and furniture into woodshed
  • prepare potting soil
  • plant kale and spinach, and greens in greenhouse
  • build chicken pen
  • organizing tools

Monday, 15 February 2016

  • Potting soil and flats preparation for seeding
    • collect and organize the plastic flats
    • prepare a trashcan half full of potting mix
    • Fill trays, get racks ready to move into barn
  • Preparing the chick room:
    • Clean out old litter
    • Build a plywood skirt around the room
    • (to protect the wooden walls from rotting due to contact with bedding)
    • Bring in 2" of dry clean bedding such as wood shavings, straw or wood chips
  • Plant Sunchokes
  • Cleanup plastic and trash

Monday, 1 February 2016

  • Inside of barn
  • Organize garage
  • Get backhoe

Monday, 18 January 2016

  • Stockshow!
  • New Construction project with Joe. Discuss:
    • tree fort
    • greenhouse
    • taj mahal
    • Cellar Door to house
  1. Eggmobile
  2. Chicken yard
  3. Garage/Tool organization
  4. Tankhouse door
  5. Urbanite under tank house wall
  6. Forklift carburator
  7. Take cardboard to recycle
  8. Mineral feeder
  9. Tree order ad
  • VanWell nursery - great prices on good-sized trees
  • Nourse farms - great prices for asparagus, strawberries, other berries and perennials
  1. Bee order ad

Monday, 2 November 2015

  1. oil change tractor
  2. recycle cardboard
  3. mineral feeder build
  4. bunk cow feeder build
  5. cottage washing machine
  6. prepare yourselves for turkey slaughter
  7. laquer door in milking parlor

Monday, 26 October 2015

  1. cut beef
  2. sharpen knives
  3. fix electrical in the barn.
  4. watch butchering video

Monday, 19 October 2015

  1. Honey sales
  2. Repair swather
  3. Crayfish harvest
  4. leveling the ground by playground again
  5. cutting hay, raking and baling
  6. buy semen for cows
  7. trash burn
  8. chicken yard - design/build
  9. replace window panes: Rankin bay window
  10. sort bundle oak flooring
  11. harvest squash
  12. repoint chimney
  13. retarp hay
  14. put up grain
  15. clean up kitchen
  16. inspect roof leaks

Monday, 12 October 2015

  1. roof reinforcement finish
  2. Honey sales
  3. Repair swather
  4. Crayfish harvest
  5. Siding for tank house 1/3 done
  6. leveling the ground by playground again
  7. cutting hay, raking and baling
  8. buy semen for cows
  9. trash burn
  10. chicken yard - design/build
  11. replace window panes: Rankin bay window, cottage bathroom
  12. unclog cottage bathtub drain
  13. Pressure wash south side of barn
  14. fix garage door south bay pulley
  15. Spread wood chips by farm kitchen door
  16. install thermostat into milk cooling chest freezer

Monday, 5 October 2015

  1. milk freezer
  2. move pigs
  3. roof reinforcement finish
  4. Honey sales
  5. Repair swather
  6. Crayfish harvest
  7. Siding for tank house 1/3 done
  8. leveling the ground by playground again
  9. cutting hay, raking and baling
  10. buy semen for cows
  11. trash burn
  12. chicken yard - design/build

Monday, 28 September 2015

  1. Honey sales
  2. Repair swather
  3. crayfish harvest
  4. Siding for tank house 1/3 done
  5. parts and install and burying of french drain
  6. leveling the ground by playground
  7. cutting hay, raking and baling
  8. buy semen for cows
  9. cleanup outside farm kitchen
  10. trash sweep and burn
  11. chicken yard - design/build
  12. basement cleanup YAY!
  13. unload and put away 14 beams from Mihaly

Monday, September 21, 2015

  1. Honey harvest part 3
  2. honey marketing
  3. Repairing swather - cutting hay
  4. Put up more grain
  5. Siding for tank house
  6. Beet and apple processing
  7. plum processing
  8. crayfish harvest
  9. fix hay tarp
  10. move pigs
  11. Bring Veronica, Dolly and Walker back from Arvada
  12. move cows/calves
  13. Dig big hole and trench for biodigester / french drain

Clean Up and Organization

  1. Appliance work
  2. Garage
  3. Pig pens


  1. Walk pastures for trash

Monday, September 14, 2015

  1. Complete Food Inventory (Ashley+Andre) update spreadsheet
  2. Ashley create drying herbs step-by-step article
  3. Ashley make and package tons of burritos!
  4. Honey harvest part
  5. Repairing swather - cutting hay
  6. Put up more grain
  7. Business plan for Bob's property
  8. Siding -cut and organize


  1. Cleanup under tree in farm kitchen
  2. work on chicken run cleanout


  1. Check for apple trees
  2. Harvest wild plums
  3. harvest bumper crop of tomatoes

Monday, September 7, 2015

  1. Lamb Butcher, CSA week - 13 lambs
  2. Honey harvest part 1
  3. Put up grain
  4. Organize Garage
  5. Organize Farm Kitchen
  6. Stock-up Basement freezer
  7. Put up some grain
  8. Band Practice :)
  9. Infrastructure

Monday, August 31, 2015

  1. Move calves to paneled pen
  2. Move geese to east pasture
    1. prepare gate
  3. Final Irrigation of field
  4. Sausage Party
    1. Defrost Tuesday
    2. Publicity: the city, Facebook, email
  5. Fix Swather, mow
  6. Honey harvest
  7. Fix auger
  8. some Grain into bin
  9. Rotate tanks