Student Body

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The Student Body of Tembo Falls College will regulate it's own affairs through weekly student body meetings. Elections will be held for student body president, as well as for key positions such as:

The student body will also maintain, adjust and amend the Book of Order. They will have the responsibility to censure student's and staff whose behavior is becoming problematic and, in extreme cases by a 2/3 majority, to ask them to leave the community.

the Book of Order

This rule book, which may be given another name, will codify the norms governing the college. There are only a few non-negotiable rules:

  • Students must not use alcohol while school is in session and must never be drunk or use drugs
  • Students must refrain from all sexual activity
  • Students must not leave the campus to go to populated areas without the permission of the student body other than to attend funerals, weddings of close family and for medical emergencies

(any others?)