Jacob Springs Farm

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Jacob Springs Farm is a beyond organic, "everything farm" (description) located near Boulder, Colorado on the southeast corner of Arapahoe road and 75th street.


(mission and vision)



Jacob Springs Farm was founded by André and Vanee Houssney in the summer of 2010 when they bought the Condon/Debaker property close to Boulder. Prior to the purchase, the farm, located at Jacob's Corner, had been named Cottonwood Farm after a row of giant cottonwood trees which had been planted along Arapahoe Road (originally called Valley Road) in the 1860's. Since the cottonwoods were now gone, having been cut down in 2005 when Arapahoe Road was widened, and since the Condon Family had chosen to continue using the name "Cottonwood Farm" on land they lease from the Jacobs family to the West of 75th street.


  • Education of young farmers through WWOOF and internships
  • Demonstration of a model of profitability in regenerative family farming
  • Production of a high quality product that is healthy and nutrient dense
  • Wholesale ecological restoration of our property as well as adjacent and leased land
  • Achievement of a high level of animal well-being in reproducible animal husbandry practices
  • Refinement of our target market through CSA, direct sales, and other means
  • People care including health and safety, work satisfaction, spiritual well-being, team dynamics and morale
  • Demonstration of the Kingdom of God through Christian community, love and service



  • Labor and rest - We believe that hard work is good. Work is a necessity, not only for survival but for people to reach their highest potential. At the same time we believe that rest is essential for humans to thrive (main article:Sabbath). The fourth commandment of the law of Moses, as recorded in the Bible reads "Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath." In farming, there is always more work to be done, it can therefore be easy for work to consume all your time. Although this may seem to be productive, there comes a point where constant work degrades the effectiveness of the worker and the discipline of rest must be observed to keep the worker sharp. More commonly perhaps, people are inclined to be unproductive, excessive rest or recreation is dulling to the senses and reduces the productive output of a life. We acknowledge the ancient wisdom of "Six days you shall labor" and "Remember the sabbath"
  • Dull work is not just for dull people

Current people

Farm programs

As a diversified farm, Jacob Springs organizes it's production into various farm programs; a list of current and past programs follows:


Other livestock


Annual crops


Animal Feed



The Jacob Springs price list is a reference for what things should cost in our market. Note that the list is not intended to be a list of what we sell or have in stock, is subject to change without notice and it does not constitute an offer but it is for reference only.

Administrative Stuff

  1. JacobSpringsFarm: to do lists
  2. JacobSpringsFarm:Kolb bid
  3. JacobSpringsFarm:Food Inventories
  4. JacobSpringsFarm:Weekly agenda
  5. Andre log